Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Will there be a curve on this test... This parenting test.

First, my beautiful wife has a new blog post today on hers  Be careful, clicking that link it will only lead to awesomeness and lots of it.  She does an amazing job on her blog and I am jealous how much better at it she is than I am!  I love you Babe!  She is also the creator of my new blog look!  I thought the daddy chronicle needed to look like a chronicle and since I am just a novice at this a sheet of paper was the best selection (of like just starting out), thanks again babe!

Ok so here it goes.  Experienced parents know what I am about to talk about and will be nodding continuously (I Hope) reading this post.  When finding out I was going to be a daddy I got excited and thought about all the fun times Lilly and I would have on daddy-daughter days and other fun days.  I pictured her as a toddler before I pictured her as a wonderful baby.  I mean look at her she is the cutest baby of all time! 

This type of thinking is what most new daddies think about (so I am told).  They think about the fun stuff later on and not the most difficult part of parenting which is every bit of it (expected parental nod).  Our beautiful daughter who usually is a smiling, laughing, and talkative sweet baby became extremely fussy and decided why talk when I scream???   This caused Molly and my stress level to reach all time limits… The picture below would be a good picture of what is in mind about stress and the device used to measure stress i.e. the Stress-O-Meter.

Well we finally figured that Ms. Lilly was teething all the signs where there such as
1.       Extreme drooling
2.       Lots and lots of chewing
3.       A very pissed off baby
4.       Stressful parents scrambling for teething rings
5.       Journey was not soothing anyone
Step Five is the most important because if the voice of Steve Perry cannot soothe you, then nothing can.  Just the sight of him should soothe most (Picture below). 

Well guess what Internet?  The teething was just a small portion of Lilly’s pissed off meter, which looks like this at the highest point.   

She was actually having problems with the formula we switched to after Molly could no longer breast feed.  Which side bar.  Woman that breastfeed their children deserve a medal, a medal of honor if you will.  The ability to feed your baby from your bosom is astonishing.   Also, the craziness you all have to experience is unbelievable and speaking for Men all around the world and the first man to do so.  I apologize for doing this to you, you are the strongest person in the world and I am a baby who could not even handle a thorn in my toe and you can push a baby out of a place that should not be able to fit a baby.  In comparison it would be like me pushing out a grapefruit from you know where.  Thank you for all you do and you are the best!  There you go ladies I said it.  It took many of many years but I was the first to say it.  Document this Wikipedia.  Back from the sidebar, the formula we switched to was milk based and in caused World War III in Lilly’s tummy and she did not enjoy this.  After finally realizing the problem we switched to a soy based formula and she is doing well again and is very happy!  I know parenting is a learning process and I will be taking notes that will not come in useful for the next one because he or she will be different from Lilly.  So I then will have more notes that will basically become blogs.  This is my blog today and I hope you enjoyed it.    
Again thanks for stopping by.  And you stay classy… Blog readers of mine. 
Kind regards,


  1. So sorry that y'all have been through this. Bless your hearts!! Love you all. Thanks for calling me classy!

  2. I'm sorry that you have had that trouble...poor babies!!!! I was nodding also.

    I do have to say that she is one of the cutest babies ever!!! ( I know a few others, you, your brother, Audrey)

    Love you!
