Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gary Busey blog...

Well, Hello Blog followers,
It has been awhile since my last post.  I want to apologize for not being so good at this blog stuff and posting more often.  My wife, however, is doing an amazing job on her 50 blogs in 50 days.  She seems to find good stuff to blog about.
My last blog was for my wife on Valentines Day.  I think I did well on our first Valentines Day as a married couple.  Many might not know this but my wife Molly was my very first Valentine.  Yes, the ladies man, Brian Anguish had never had a Valentine before his beautiful wife.  Well, needless to say it was a pretty laid back day with an amazing meal of Lasagna that Molly made.  Ok, so it was not hard for me to find Molly the ‘perfect’ gift for V-day… I knew she did not have her own set of pearls because she borrowed her Grandma’s pearls for our wedding.  So from that knowledge I stored (which most husbands do not) I bought her a great set of pearls.  Be jealous ladies, I am good at buying gifts, but to be very honest, I want to make sure that each gift I get for Molly is perfect.  She is my everything and I just want her to make sure she knows that by what I get her and what I say when I have the change to be romantic.
Ok, so this past weekend Molly and I had a visitor from the great town of Abilene.  Yes, my mother-in-law Ronda came for her first visit since November.  We have gone to Abilene during that timeframe, but she has been entirely too busy to come see us.  So this weekend was pretty awesome.  I would like to say that my Mother-in-law is a woman I love and consider to be another Mom for me.  Most husbands might not have the best relationship with their Mils but I do and I am blessed to because of it.  Well, Ronda keeps us busy in a good way when she is here.  There is really no words to describe Molly and I when we have no visitors… wait, there is.. We are Lazy… We enjoy relaxing and watching TV and play with Lilly a whole bunch.  Ronda gets us out and about and we shop, walk, and shop some more.  I know Molly loves it because she loves to Shop… Well tomorrow night we are headed to Abilene for some family stuff and get to eat at Red Robin… Yum… I am excited to go to Abilene because it is just a good place. 
Ok so this blog is everywhere… It is like Gary Busey’s mind after his wreck… I wont you all to know that Molly is selling Scentsy now and you all should buy it.  Also she is going to be selling her crafts on Etsy and they are amazing… Take advantage because they are really cute and one of a kind.  I will post links when she gets everything up. 
This is today’s blogs… Thanks for stopping by and like always you stay classy… Internet

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