Monday, February 28, 2011


My beautiful wife Molly has officially opened her Etsy Shop and Scentsy shop.  For those looking for cute clutch purses, checkbook covers, zip pouches, and jewelry galore head on over to her Etsy shop!  It is
Also, for those looking for great smelling products and décor for your home or apartment head on over to her Scentsy page and purchase some really good scents.  I am not done! She is also the only Scentsy dealer in Lubbock to have all of the new scents from Scentsy coming out this spring.  So schedule a party or purchase right on her page!  Here is the link!
I hope you all take great pleasure and buy some great products from Molly! 
I love you babe!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gary Busey blog...

Well, Hello Blog followers,
It has been awhile since my last post.  I want to apologize for not being so good at this blog stuff and posting more often.  My wife, however, is doing an amazing job on her 50 blogs in 50 days.  She seems to find good stuff to blog about.
My last blog was for my wife on Valentines Day.  I think I did well on our first Valentines Day as a married couple.  Many might not know this but my wife Molly was my very first Valentine.  Yes, the ladies man, Brian Anguish had never had a Valentine before his beautiful wife.  Well, needless to say it was a pretty laid back day with an amazing meal of Lasagna that Molly made.  Ok, so it was not hard for me to find Molly the ‘perfect’ gift for V-day… I knew she did not have her own set of pearls because she borrowed her Grandma’s pearls for our wedding.  So from that knowledge I stored (which most husbands do not) I bought her a great set of pearls.  Be jealous ladies, I am good at buying gifts, but to be very honest, I want to make sure that each gift I get for Molly is perfect.  She is my everything and I just want her to make sure she knows that by what I get her and what I say when I have the change to be romantic.
Ok, so this past weekend Molly and I had a visitor from the great town of Abilene.  Yes, my mother-in-law Ronda came for her first visit since November.  We have gone to Abilene during that timeframe, but she has been entirely too busy to come see us.  So this weekend was pretty awesome.  I would like to say that my Mother-in-law is a woman I love and consider to be another Mom for me.  Most husbands might not have the best relationship with their Mils but I do and I am blessed to because of it.  Well, Ronda keeps us busy in a good way when she is here.  There is really no words to describe Molly and I when we have no visitors… wait, there is.. We are Lazy… We enjoy relaxing and watching TV and play with Lilly a whole bunch.  Ronda gets us out and about and we shop, walk, and shop some more.  I know Molly loves it because she loves to Shop… Well tomorrow night we are headed to Abilene for some family stuff and get to eat at Red Robin… Yum… I am excited to go to Abilene because it is just a good place. 
Ok so this blog is everywhere… It is like Gary Busey’s mind after his wreck… I wont you all to know that Molly is selling Scentsy now and you all should buy it.  Also she is going to be selling her crafts on Etsy and they are amazing… Take advantage because they are really cute and one of a kind.  I will post links when she gets everything up. 
This is today’s blogs… Thanks for stopping by and like always you stay classy… Internet

Monday, February 14, 2011

For my Wife... sorry viewers this is for her and her only!

To My Wonderful Wife
How do I begin to tell you how lucky I am
to have you in my life?
I'll start by saying what a gift you gave me
the day you became my wife.

You're my best friend in the good times
and my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
and my promise for tomorrow.

I never thought I could feel this loved
until you became my wife.
You made this year and every year
the best one of my life.
I am forever yours… Faithfully
I love you,

                                   From: The luckiest man in the world: Brian

Monday, February 7, 2011

This ones for the... Cat. Also, working for the weekend???

I have realized that I have posted a lot of about my beautiful daughter Lilly and have left out my step-daughter Pumpkin Haire-Anguish.  Pumpkin is my wife’s firstborn (cat) that has more personality than I have ever seen in a cat.  For example, when she is thirsty she does not drink from a bowl because she prefers to drink from the sink… We just turn in on a trickle and she drinks out of it like a water fountain.  Also, when she is thirsty she makes all aware of it.  She will mess with bags in the wee hours of the morning, jump on the bed and meow as loud as she can until one of us notice her, chew on Molly’s hair, and last resort she will jump on our nightstands and knock over items on purpose.  She is a teenager through and through.  She hides when she is in trouble, yells when she is mad, and makes a mess to try to prove a point.  I honestly would not want it any other way.  Pumpkin makes our life quite interesting with her antics but she is also the kitty that gets up with Molly and me at night with Lilly to be on guard while we feed her.  She is the kitty that will go to bed the same time Lilly does in the twin bed we have in Lilly’s room the bed that is now Pumpkins.  She acts like she does not like Lilly but you can tell secretly that she loves her very much and is protective of her.  She might be a cat but she is our cat, my step-daughter and Molly’s firstborn.  Pumpkin thank you for making our lives better by just being the cat you are.  I have always considered myself a dog person, but pumpkin has shown me that cats are just as fun and honestly easier to take care of.  To pumpkin!

Ok, so let’s talk about the weekend.  Molly and I spent most of Saturday in the apartment.  I worked on some homework and she did some pretty awesome crafts which I think when she starts to put them on the market you all should buy them because they are awesome!  Well, we also watched a few episodes of the Fox hit Glee, yes I said Glee.  We wanted to see what the big deal was with the show and we still are not impressed.  Sorry Gleeks, the show stinks.  Back to the weekend, Lilly was doing so good all day long, she was eating well, taking naps, watching Molly do crafts, me do some homework (She feel asleep because I was boring), and she just talked the whole day.  We were very pleased that she was doing so well.  New parents you understand what we mean.  A happy baby is much better than a screaming baby….
Then all hell broke loose.  Steph and Corey some of our friends were in town and wanted to treat us to a delicious dinner of Sushi.  So we went to this restaurant thinking to ourselves that Lilly has done so good it should be a fun evening…  Guess what?  Wrong.  We get to the restaurant and Lilly decided she did not like all the noise and the terrible jazz tunes the house band was playing that night.  I honestly felt like screaming as well because of the shrieking jazz saxophone and jazz flute… I held back though.  Well Back to the story… So we get to the restaurant and for a few minutes Lilly is just staring at Steph and Corey wondering who the heck they are… Then bam… The shrieks of the life time… people are staring and I am giving them looks back.  Molly is trying to soothe Lilly and nothing is working.  So Molly and Steph take her to the entrance to try and get her to calm down… it kind of works… but right when they get back to the table Lilly starts up again… People are looking, I am looking at them.  I think to myself if I hear one comment I am going to chunk my west Texas sushi at them in hopes the jalapeño will hit them in their eye.  Well, I go after Molly and Lilly and I let Molly go sit at the table to see if I can calm her down.  Guess what?  (Loud journey music starts to play) and Super Dad arrives and I get her to actually go to sleep! 

Yes, after 30mins of screaming she actually started to laugh at me and then she allowed herself to go to sleep.  So for new dads out there this was a win for us.  For new parents I know there is nothing worse than hearing your little one cry and it just hurts because you don’t know what to do.  I say this patience yes patience will get you through.  Molly and I both are learning more patience how handling Lilly and it works.  It is tough but just have patience and things will get better.  Well this is my blog for today… Thanks for stopping by.. Internet… and like always you stay classy!  here is a cute picture of Lilly to finish off the blog...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A wins a win...

Well well well, looks like I have proved my wife wrong for the first time in our marriage.  A few weeks ago I said to my wife “my beautiful wife of mine, I think we should buy a Nintendo Wii with part of our Income tax refund.  It is full of great workout games and we would also be getting the Wii fit to keep us in better shape and have fun doing it.”  Her reply (might be misconstrued, but for humor sake here it goes)  “there is no way we are getting a video game system for you so you can play video games all day long…  I do not need you getting lazy playing a game system.  That is a stupid idea Brian… video game system… geez”  Made me feel like I was 7 years old asking for a gaming system and having my parents say we are not getting you or your brother a gaming system.  Then to take our attention away from our crazy idea, they would say the floor was lava and that would keep us busy trying not to touch the floor for hours.  This game was also called your poor… I am kidding my dad actually was the one who bought the first Nintendo and stayed up for hours playing duck hunt and Mario saying to my brother and me that it was still his turn because he was older that is no lie, my mom can verify that. 
Ok, so this morning I woke up to snow (which was expected) and to negative wind-chill temperatures that was around -20 degrees, yes -20 and it is supposed to be colder tomorrow!  I am in West Texas where it does get cold but to a degree not a negative degree and 20 of them.  I got up early to warm up the car and to leave to work early because of the roads.  I got in the car and it said 6 degrees I think that was inside temperature of the car.  Well, I got wrapped up like the kid from A Christmas Story. 

Finally my wife is going to be going for 50 blogs in 50 days.  I told her the parts that might cause her not to blog each day and she thinks I meant that she couldn’t.  I do think she can contrary to her blog today so go for it babe!  Also, back to the win.  The all-time record for me is 1 win and 265,332,078.  So I have quite of ways to go to be caught back up.