Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wow, it really has been that long... Did you miss me?

Well, well, well my friends it has been a loooooonnnnnggggg time since I have posted a blog.  Over 9 months since my last blog.  Yes, I would say that I put the chronicle on the back burner, but I have been doing other things… I have become a professional ninja, I go on river boat gambling trips, and I make my own beef jerky now.  I have literally done none of those things but they all sound awesome!  Yeah so this is the picture I thought of when I thought of all those awesome things…

 Anyway, I have been working non-stop at the bank… I am not kidding a short week to me is 50 hours.  I will be honest that it does get tough not being around my family and seeing my beautiful wife and daughter.  I know it will be worth it in the long run… I hope : ).  Anyway, so here are the things that have happened since the last blog in daddy hood… Lilly is walking now; she has been since I believe 10 months… She has 12 teeth now; she is running and getting into everything!!!! Those parents who have the cute little baby they hold… guess what things are going to change and you are going to be going WTF… Also know has Why The Face… Thank you Phil off of Modern Family (Funniest show ever).  Anyway, she eats everything… yes everything… she loves bean burritos, she loves hot dogs, mac n cheese, ice cold beer, cheese pizza, grilled cheese, cheese, and really are you still reading this or have you none gone back to the ice cold beer part and asked yourself “Brian… really?”… come on you’ve got to be more alert with my blog.  I know it has been awhile but seriously I am still going to throw some craziness in there at all times… that is why there should be a stretch before you read alert on my blog… something like this…

  Caution:.... Stretch before reading this blog... you might pull a hammy....

Anyway, Daddy hood is the best!  Any dads out there who think otherwise… well you suck at life and yeah that’s all I’ve got to say about that.  Lilly teaches me every day of what it means to be a dad.  Molly teaches me every day on how to make sure that the dad that I am is not a crazy dad that just plays and then wants nothing to do with the hard stuff.  I learn what a parent is from Molly.  You are the best babe.  Well I hope everyone had a great Kwanza season… I know we did.  We had all of our family here and it was awesome.  Lilly loved every moment of it and as a parent I enjoyed seeing her have fun more than I remember playing with my ghost buster backpack ghost catcher… Who you going to Call?  Well that is it for today blog readers… I hope I still have…

You stay classy internet… thanks for stopping by,

Funk Master B…

Look Lilly after her bean burrito... Got's to love it! 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Abilene blog

Oh my!  It has been a long time since I have posted one of these blogumcallits.  I have been extremely busy with my new job and I am very much so loving every minute of it!  Abilene so far has been really good to my family and I.  I did not think I would like as much as I do this fast.  Lubbock is now a distant memory full of old friends, good times, and family.  I do not miss Lubbock very much and I know Molly does not either… Well to be honest she did not like it in the first place, lol.  Who could blame her right?  I am very surprised I lasted a little over 5 years there and I feel at home here in Abilene…. I know my mom will be like your home is in Andrews… Well my hometown is Andrews but my home is with my beautiful wife and baby girl!  Abilene for those who have never been here is unusually hot for some reason right now.  We need rain just like all of West Texas and we need lots of it.  I think Molly and I might have packed the Lubbock winds with us because it has been blowing nonstop.  Yes, like most you know there are fires around here and really all of West Texas, but do you see us on the National news whining like those liberals in California??? Nope, we just put our nose to the grind and fight them without complaining… This is why California needs the death penalty again… Keeps you strong and on your toes…
Anyway daddyhood is hard right now.  I feel like I spend lots of time at work which I do because I am training to be the best darn manager my bank has ever seen.. I want to be the Emilio Estevez of the bank; the brother of Charlie Sheen who played Gordon Bombay in the Mighty Ducks Trilogy.  EMILIO!  Winning…duh.  But seriously I have been training a lot!  I do get good quality time on the weekends with my family and it does help.  I am getting used to standing all day at work for the most part and I love being so active.  I no longer have to sit and sit and sit.  I am constantly busy at work and I love it! 
Well Lilly is officially 6 MONTHS OLD!  I cannot believe how fast these months have gone…It is like I am in a Hot Tub Time machine that goes forward 6 months and not back to the 80’s.  The reason I am refereincing that movie is because I just got finished watching it on Netflix instantly because I could not sleep.  My thinking was the comedic genius that is John Cusack would null me to sleep and bam… the movie was actually decent enough to keep me awake.  Back to the kiddo, Lilly is probably the funniest baby I know… Well probably ever.  She blows bubbles already and she is actually learning to blow her lips and make funny noises.  She does this during feeding times and it is hilarious.  I say, parents let the experience this fun stuff… nobody needs a dull baby.  That would be just like watching an episode of CSI…. Dull and pointless… let them have fun and not predictable like and episode of CSI.  For those who do not know… I do not like CSI.  I predict the show every time and my wife hates it….
Molly and I had our first date night this past Friday.  We went the OG which was amazing!  Had some girly drinks we played like we were on Sex and the City.  Hi Samantha!  Ok, I played as if we were she judged me and judged me good.  We needed some us time and we really enjoyed it!  We also went back to high school and watched a Scream Movie… Scream 4 by the way…. Spoiler alert… The acting is pretty terrible but it is still pretty good.  The funny thing was this guy in front of us looked straight out of the early 90’s rap genre.  Square fro, gold chain, short sleeve oxford button all the way up and it was died red.  I laughed and Molly did too.  Parents you always need at least a night to yourself to enjoy each other.  Do not think oh we need to be around the kid all the time.  Then you will be boring like an episode of CSI or Law and Order SVU.  Not criminal minds though it’s a good show.  Enjoy one another!  It’s a great thing…

Well I am out of here
You stay classy internet and thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The last blog in Lubbock

First off I want to apologize for never blogging.  I feel absolutely terrible that I have not been blogging for all my legions of followers… Ok anyway, this will be my last blog till after we move to Abilene.  So here it goes.  Yesterday marked the 17th of March which is also St. Patty’s day!  And also, for some strange reason my mom tells me… my conception day… Yes I was a green  baby… or a product of green beer… Who knows… is this  TMI?  I think it might be… but since my Mom can tell me every year since I can remember that it was my conception day I can say what I want… Its my right. 
Back to the real blog.  So this blog was meant to be a blog of chronicling(I thought I created a word but this word was real) daddy stuff so I am going to get back on track… I can promise I’ll be on the right track because I like to ramble on about things… I am like Charlie Sheen… I am winning… boom.  So needless to say I will be blogging again about daddy stuff for those new dads and those who are expecting to be new dads and also have weird quirky things added in.  That’s who I am… What can I say I drink Tigerblood and I am a warlock.. Too much Charlie Sheen?  Yes, so I will stop. 
Well, Lilly is growing like a weed still and she has two teeth!  Yes not six months old yet and has 2 teeth!  I know 9 month olds that have no teeth… Well I do not know them personally and quite possibly they could be made up but needless to say there are 9 month olds that have fewer teeth than my great Lilly.  I will say during teething Children’s Advil is awesome!  Lilly loves the flavor and it actually works!  The tooth gel stuff doesn’t work that well and Lilly doesn’t like it.  Yours might but mine doesn’t.  Ok so things to know when babies are teething… they will chew on everything.  Spoons, shirts, cats, you, and themselves.  It’s what they do.  Lilly is funny about it because she will lunge for it like she is attacking her pray.  It kind of hurts but make sure whatever they are chewing on that it is clean.  And don’t let them chew on you because they will get into that habit and then you’ll have a people chewer and we know how those movies go…  For those that have no clue what I mean watch the shining and then never ever let your baby chew on you or other people again... Thanks Anthony Hopkins..  Side bar.  My cousin Andy was a biter, he is not a cannibal but he did have to eat pepper… I know crazy right?  But it worked he is 27 years old and finally kicked the habit, good job Andy! 
So during these teething times you might have a baby that just lets the teeth come through and you’re like “where did these teeth come from?”  Others will be like screaming in misery and getting fevers and stomach stuff (this is me as a child, I am sorry to my parents).  But one thing they have in common is drool and lots of it.  I compare it to the movie Turner and Hooch and the dog drool looking like shoe strings coming out it its mouth.  This is not far from the truth.  Last night I got drooled in my eye.  Lilly smiled and Molly laughed… It was funny but really in the eye Lilly?  Eh she is the cutest baby ever anyway. 

So my last day at City Bank is approaching and I am very excited about starting my new position at First Financial Bank  in Abilene!  Molly and her mother helped pack the majority of our house and we just have a little left and then we move the 24th and into our new place the 25th.  I then start my new job on the 28th!  Yes I am going to do this and be very tired!  Pray for us and thank you for reading my blog.  More daddy stuff to come!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So here it goes.  It has been one week since my last post and quite a bit has happened in the Banguish Clan!  So this past weekend marked the 25th birthday of my beautiful wife Molly.  She was not very excited to be hitting her mid 20’s but she is still younger than I am and she does let me know on a daily basis.  We traveled to Abilene and went to the Zoo with Lilly and Gigi (Molly’s Mom).  It was my first time at a zoo in 20 years.  I recall my first experience at the San Antonio Zoo when I was 6 years old fully expecting the laughing hyenas to laugh and they just laid around.  This was quite upsetting because I was 6 and fully expected to have a great laugh or two with the hyenas.  That s little jerks did nothing.  Also, the only other memory with the zoo was a big gorilla that picked his nose and actually ate his booger.  So not much to compare too, probably was cooler than that but the darn hyenas pissed me off. 
Ok so here is the even bigger news and the reason for the title!  I have officially taken a position at First Financial Abilene as a Motor-Bank Manager!  I will be starting the 28th of this month and Molly and I will be moving there A.S.A.P. I turned my two weeks notice in today at my old job and I am extremely excited to be joining such a great bank and moving my family to the great city of Abilene!  I made a promise to Molly a little less than a year ago that I would get us to Abilene and the good GREAT LORD above answered the many prayers for us!  I want to thank everyone that prayed for my family and I during this time and we are very ready to be moving to Abilene!  This is going to be a great thing for us to be closer to Family and still not far from my parents!  Lilly is going to love growing up in Abilene!  Well lots of work ahead and keep us in your prayers.
Thanks for stopping by and you stay classy Internet!

Monday, February 28, 2011


My beautiful wife Molly has officially opened her Etsy Shop and Scentsy shop.  For those looking for cute clutch purses, checkbook covers, zip pouches, and jewelry galore head on over to her Etsy shop!  It is
Also, for those looking for great smelling products and décor for your home or apartment head on over to her Scentsy page and purchase some really good scents.  I am not done! She is also the only Scentsy dealer in Lubbock to have all of the new scents from Scentsy coming out this spring.  So schedule a party or purchase right on her page!  Here is the link!
I hope you all take great pleasure and buy some great products from Molly! 
I love you babe!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gary Busey blog...

Well, Hello Blog followers,
It has been awhile since my last post.  I want to apologize for not being so good at this blog stuff and posting more often.  My wife, however, is doing an amazing job on her 50 blogs in 50 days.  She seems to find good stuff to blog about.
My last blog was for my wife on Valentines Day.  I think I did well on our first Valentines Day as a married couple.  Many might not know this but my wife Molly was my very first Valentine.  Yes, the ladies man, Brian Anguish had never had a Valentine before his beautiful wife.  Well, needless to say it was a pretty laid back day with an amazing meal of Lasagna that Molly made.  Ok, so it was not hard for me to find Molly the ‘perfect’ gift for V-day… I knew she did not have her own set of pearls because she borrowed her Grandma’s pearls for our wedding.  So from that knowledge I stored (which most husbands do not) I bought her a great set of pearls.  Be jealous ladies, I am good at buying gifts, but to be very honest, I want to make sure that each gift I get for Molly is perfect.  She is my everything and I just want her to make sure she knows that by what I get her and what I say when I have the change to be romantic.
Ok, so this past weekend Molly and I had a visitor from the great town of Abilene.  Yes, my mother-in-law Ronda came for her first visit since November.  We have gone to Abilene during that timeframe, but she has been entirely too busy to come see us.  So this weekend was pretty awesome.  I would like to say that my Mother-in-law is a woman I love and consider to be another Mom for me.  Most husbands might not have the best relationship with their Mils but I do and I am blessed to because of it.  Well, Ronda keeps us busy in a good way when she is here.  There is really no words to describe Molly and I when we have no visitors… wait, there is.. We are Lazy… We enjoy relaxing and watching TV and play with Lilly a whole bunch.  Ronda gets us out and about and we shop, walk, and shop some more.  I know Molly loves it because she loves to Shop… Well tomorrow night we are headed to Abilene for some family stuff and get to eat at Red Robin… Yum… I am excited to go to Abilene because it is just a good place. 
Ok so this blog is everywhere… It is like Gary Busey’s mind after his wreck… I wont you all to know that Molly is selling Scentsy now and you all should buy it.  Also she is going to be selling her crafts on Etsy and they are amazing… Take advantage because they are really cute and one of a kind.  I will post links when she gets everything up. 
This is today’s blogs… Thanks for stopping by and like always you stay classy… Internet

Monday, February 14, 2011

For my Wife... sorry viewers this is for her and her only!

To My Wonderful Wife
How do I begin to tell you how lucky I am
to have you in my life?
I'll start by saying what a gift you gave me
the day you became my wife.

You're my best friend in the good times
and my rock in times of sorrow.
You're the reason for sweet yesterdays
and my promise for tomorrow.

I never thought I could feel this loved
until you became my wife.
You made this year and every year
the best one of my life.
I am forever yours… Faithfully
I love you,

                                   From: The luckiest man in the world: Brian