Friday, March 18, 2011

The last blog in Lubbock

First off I want to apologize for never blogging.  I feel absolutely terrible that I have not been blogging for all my legions of followers… Ok anyway, this will be my last blog till after we move to Abilene.  So here it goes.  Yesterday marked the 17th of March which is also St. Patty’s day!  And also, for some strange reason my mom tells me… my conception day… Yes I was a green  baby… or a product of green beer… Who knows… is this  TMI?  I think it might be… but since my Mom can tell me every year since I can remember that it was my conception day I can say what I want… Its my right. 
Back to the real blog.  So this blog was meant to be a blog of chronicling(I thought I created a word but this word was real) daddy stuff so I am going to get back on track… I can promise I’ll be on the right track because I like to ramble on about things… I am like Charlie Sheen… I am winning… boom.  So needless to say I will be blogging again about daddy stuff for those new dads and those who are expecting to be new dads and also have weird quirky things added in.  That’s who I am… What can I say I drink Tigerblood and I am a warlock.. Too much Charlie Sheen?  Yes, so I will stop. 
Well, Lilly is growing like a weed still and she has two teeth!  Yes not six months old yet and has 2 teeth!  I know 9 month olds that have no teeth… Well I do not know them personally and quite possibly they could be made up but needless to say there are 9 month olds that have fewer teeth than my great Lilly.  I will say during teething Children’s Advil is awesome!  Lilly loves the flavor and it actually works!  The tooth gel stuff doesn’t work that well and Lilly doesn’t like it.  Yours might but mine doesn’t.  Ok so things to know when babies are teething… they will chew on everything.  Spoons, shirts, cats, you, and themselves.  It’s what they do.  Lilly is funny about it because she will lunge for it like she is attacking her pray.  It kind of hurts but make sure whatever they are chewing on that it is clean.  And don’t let them chew on you because they will get into that habit and then you’ll have a people chewer and we know how those movies go…  For those that have no clue what I mean watch the shining and then never ever let your baby chew on you or other people again... Thanks Anthony Hopkins..  Side bar.  My cousin Andy was a biter, he is not a cannibal but he did have to eat pepper… I know crazy right?  But it worked he is 27 years old and finally kicked the habit, good job Andy! 
So during these teething times you might have a baby that just lets the teeth come through and you’re like “where did these teeth come from?”  Others will be like screaming in misery and getting fevers and stomach stuff (this is me as a child, I am sorry to my parents).  But one thing they have in common is drool and lots of it.  I compare it to the movie Turner and Hooch and the dog drool looking like shoe strings coming out it its mouth.  This is not far from the truth.  Last night I got drooled in my eye.  Lilly smiled and Molly laughed… It was funny but really in the eye Lilly?  Eh she is the cutest baby ever anyway. 

So my last day at City Bank is approaching and I am very excited about starting my new position at First Financial Bank  in Abilene!  Molly and her mother helped pack the majority of our house and we just have a little left and then we move the 24th and into our new place the 25th.  I then start my new job on the 28th!  Yes I am going to do this and be very tired!  Pray for us and thank you for reading my blog.  More daddy stuff to come!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So here it goes.  It has been one week since my last post and quite a bit has happened in the Banguish Clan!  So this past weekend marked the 25th birthday of my beautiful wife Molly.  She was not very excited to be hitting her mid 20’s but she is still younger than I am and she does let me know on a daily basis.  We traveled to Abilene and went to the Zoo with Lilly and Gigi (Molly’s Mom).  It was my first time at a zoo in 20 years.  I recall my first experience at the San Antonio Zoo when I was 6 years old fully expecting the laughing hyenas to laugh and they just laid around.  This was quite upsetting because I was 6 and fully expected to have a great laugh or two with the hyenas.  That s little jerks did nothing.  Also, the only other memory with the zoo was a big gorilla that picked his nose and actually ate his booger.  So not much to compare too, probably was cooler than that but the darn hyenas pissed me off. 
Ok so here is the even bigger news and the reason for the title!  I have officially taken a position at First Financial Abilene as a Motor-Bank Manager!  I will be starting the 28th of this month and Molly and I will be moving there A.S.A.P. I turned my two weeks notice in today at my old job and I am extremely excited to be joining such a great bank and moving my family to the great city of Abilene!  I made a promise to Molly a little less than a year ago that I would get us to Abilene and the good GREAT LORD above answered the many prayers for us!  I want to thank everyone that prayed for my family and I during this time and we are very ready to be moving to Abilene!  This is going to be a great thing for us to be closer to Family and still not far from my parents!  Lilly is going to love growing up in Abilene!  Well lots of work ahead and keep us in your prayers.
Thanks for stopping by and you stay classy Internet!