Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wow, it really has been that long... Did you miss me?

Well, well, well my friends it has been a loooooonnnnnggggg time since I have posted a blog.  Over 9 months since my last blog.  Yes, I would say that I put the chronicle on the back burner, but I have been doing other things… I have become a professional ninja, I go on river boat gambling trips, and I make my own beef jerky now.  I have literally done none of those things but they all sound awesome!  Yeah so this is the picture I thought of when I thought of all those awesome things…

 Anyway, I have been working non-stop at the bank… I am not kidding a short week to me is 50 hours.  I will be honest that it does get tough not being around my family and seeing my beautiful wife and daughter.  I know it will be worth it in the long run… I hope : ).  Anyway, so here are the things that have happened since the last blog in daddy hood… Lilly is walking now; she has been since I believe 10 months… She has 12 teeth now; she is running and getting into everything!!!! Those parents who have the cute little baby they hold… guess what things are going to change and you are going to be going WTF… Also know has Why The Face… Thank you Phil off of Modern Family (Funniest show ever).  Anyway, she eats everything… yes everything… she loves bean burritos, she loves hot dogs, mac n cheese, ice cold beer, cheese pizza, grilled cheese, cheese, and really are you still reading this or have you none gone back to the ice cold beer part and asked yourself “Brian… really?”… come on you’ve got to be more alert with my blog.  I know it has been awhile but seriously I am still going to throw some craziness in there at all times… that is why there should be a stretch before you read alert on my blog… something like this…

  Caution:.... Stretch before reading this blog... you might pull a hammy....

Anyway, Daddy hood is the best!  Any dads out there who think otherwise… well you suck at life and yeah that’s all I’ve got to say about that.  Lilly teaches me every day of what it means to be a dad.  Molly teaches me every day on how to make sure that the dad that I am is not a crazy dad that just plays and then wants nothing to do with the hard stuff.  I learn what a parent is from Molly.  You are the best babe.  Well I hope everyone had a great Kwanza season… I know we did.  We had all of our family here and it was awesome.  Lilly loved every moment of it and as a parent I enjoyed seeing her have fun more than I remember playing with my ghost buster backpack ghost catcher… Who you going to Call?  Well that is it for today blog readers… I hope I still have…

You stay classy internet… thanks for stopping by,

Funk Master B…

Look Lilly after her bean burrito... Got's to love it!