Sunday, April 17, 2011

Abilene blog

Oh my!  It has been a long time since I have posted one of these blogumcallits.  I have been extremely busy with my new job and I am very much so loving every minute of it!  Abilene so far has been really good to my family and I.  I did not think I would like as much as I do this fast.  Lubbock is now a distant memory full of old friends, good times, and family.  I do not miss Lubbock very much and I know Molly does not either… Well to be honest she did not like it in the first place, lol.  Who could blame her right?  I am very surprised I lasted a little over 5 years there and I feel at home here in Abilene…. I know my mom will be like your home is in Andrews… Well my hometown is Andrews but my home is with my beautiful wife and baby girl!  Abilene for those who have never been here is unusually hot for some reason right now.  We need rain just like all of West Texas and we need lots of it.  I think Molly and I might have packed the Lubbock winds with us because it has been blowing nonstop.  Yes, like most you know there are fires around here and really all of West Texas, but do you see us on the National news whining like those liberals in California??? Nope, we just put our nose to the grind and fight them without complaining… This is why California needs the death penalty again… Keeps you strong and on your toes…
Anyway daddyhood is hard right now.  I feel like I spend lots of time at work which I do because I am training to be the best darn manager my bank has ever seen.. I want to be the Emilio Estevez of the bank; the brother of Charlie Sheen who played Gordon Bombay in the Mighty Ducks Trilogy.  EMILIO!  Winning…duh.  But seriously I have been training a lot!  I do get good quality time on the weekends with my family and it does help.  I am getting used to standing all day at work for the most part and I love being so active.  I no longer have to sit and sit and sit.  I am constantly busy at work and I love it! 
Well Lilly is officially 6 MONTHS OLD!  I cannot believe how fast these months have gone…It is like I am in a Hot Tub Time machine that goes forward 6 months and not back to the 80’s.  The reason I am refereincing that movie is because I just got finished watching it on Netflix instantly because I could not sleep.  My thinking was the comedic genius that is John Cusack would null me to sleep and bam… the movie was actually decent enough to keep me awake.  Back to the kiddo, Lilly is probably the funniest baby I know… Well probably ever.  She blows bubbles already and she is actually learning to blow her lips and make funny noises.  She does this during feeding times and it is hilarious.  I say, parents let the experience this fun stuff… nobody needs a dull baby.  That would be just like watching an episode of CSI…. Dull and pointless… let them have fun and not predictable like and episode of CSI.  For those who do not know… I do not like CSI.  I predict the show every time and my wife hates it….
Molly and I had our first date night this past Friday.  We went the OG which was amazing!  Had some girly drinks we played like we were on Sex and the City.  Hi Samantha!  Ok, I played as if we were she judged me and judged me good.  We needed some us time and we really enjoyed it!  We also went back to high school and watched a Scream Movie… Scream 4 by the way…. Spoiler alert… The acting is pretty terrible but it is still pretty good.  The funny thing was this guy in front of us looked straight out of the early 90’s rap genre.  Square fro, gold chain, short sleeve oxford button all the way up and it was died red.  I laughed and Molly did too.  Parents you always need at least a night to yourself to enjoy each other.  Do not think oh we need to be around the kid all the time.  Then you will be boring like an episode of CSI or Law and Order SVU.  Not criminal minds though it’s a good show.  Enjoy one another!  It’s a great thing…

Well I am out of here
You stay classy internet and thanks for stopping by!